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4 year child old tantrums


Dear parents! Can someone give some advice what to do. My 4-year old keeps having tantrums. They always happen only with me (her monther) after either school or any frastrating experience. It's like she is taking it out on me. Keeps saying that she does not love me & that I am bad, screems & throuws herself on the floor.
I understand she might be tired or frastrated but this is really upsetting me. I try to stay calm but I also lose it after a while and just end up yelling (which I hate & feel guity after).
Please help!!!


Dear Liza - Our daughter used to do this, a lot of it for her was related to her blood sugar level. We've been implementing the advice in the book called 'Little Sugar Addicts' and this type of tantrum has essentially disappeared. I also send in extra protein for her to eat at school on days when children have a birthday cake, as otherwise it was assured meltdown. Good luck.

Dec 13, 2012 11:42