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500 waste companies caught dumping illegally

06:27 11/02/2014

An investigation by the Federal Police Services focused on the past five years of refuge companies’ activities has uncovered illegal practices. News reports reveal that upwards of 500 refuge companies have been operating without required business licenses to dispose of certain waste materials, while others had no licenses at all.

The investigation shows that organised crime has played a major role behind the practice, and in the process has racked in millions of euros annually by pushing electrical appliances, paper, and plastic waste products back into the market.

The investigation has uncovered more than 5,500 cases of illegal activity. Officials found that 1 in 10 waste transports stopped were found to be breaking the law. Police say that at least 11 cases of illegal dumping since 2009 involved nuclear waste. 

Written by Andrew King



Refuge? Don't you mean "refuse"?

Feb 11, 2014 18:56