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Additional utility charges


Hi all,

I have an issue with my house landlord regarding the settling of additional utility charges. Monthly, I am supposed to pay 75 euros for utilities which I paid on time every month. Actually the heater (in particular for shower) in the room wasn't working properly during my entire stay of 6 months (Aug'12 - Jan'13). Though the technician was there 3 times, he couldn't fix it completely and told me that the heater need to replaced with a new one which I forwarded the message to my owner many times. But still he didn't took any effort to fix a new one, in-spite it was a winter, I use to sleep without heater sometimes and took shower in my friend room most of the times. At the end of my stay, when the owner came to check for the readings, gas and electricity bills together ended up in 740euros more.
When I asked him the reason how is it so high, he told me that, though we haven't turned on the regulator on heater, the overall room controller regulator has been turned on all the time and the heater has been consuming gas and electricity . I have not yet paid this bill since it wasn't my fault and as of me it was the owner's fault by not fixing it with a new one. The worst part is he didn't realized how I could have survived the winter and still he expects me to pay the additional bill.
Its been 4 months now I have moved from that room and he has send me a note from his advocate requesting me to pay the bill within next 15 days. Additionally, I receive mails from owner's mom and dad asking to pay the bill whom I haven't seen before.

I am an expat student here and I do not know the legal procedure here. Could I file a complaint in Police?. Please let me know your valuable suggestions. Thanks in advance.


Do they hold a deposit from you? If they do then they will have to go through the legal process before they can take money form the deposit , which is supposed to be on a secure joint account othersie they are operating illegally.

If I understand you correctly , you paid €75 each month and now they want another €740 meaning that in 6 months they expect you to use €200 every month. That seems very expensive. I pay € 135 per month for a 2 bedroomed 130m3 apartment for 2 people.

I would be very blunt with the other people who are emailing you. You had a contract with someone -only that person is your contact for this dispute. If the mother or father start hassling you I would tell them to piss off very bluntly. You have no contract with them so they should mind their own business. It sounds like they are training their son to be a good Belgian landlord!

If they go all the way and go to get a court judgement then they still have to prove that you used €200 each month. I don't know you so maybe you like it very warm in your room but they have still to prove the use and by the time they do that will you still be in Belgium, do you care?

May 24, 2013 20:07

Hello Gecko,

Thanks for your reply. Yes, they hold a deposit (2 months rent) from me in a joint bank account. But, when I suggested to deduce the additional charges from my deposit, the owner replied he need to pay for the utility companies which he cannot do it that way it seems. I got no idea what difference does it make!. You got any point on that?.

Being a student, I can leave this issue unnoticed for the moment. But, I am worried that it may affect my future visa enquiries if there is any judicial judgement on my name once they succeed to prove my usage on someday or the other. So, I want this to be solved compromisingly.

As you mentioned, I have already dropped the idea to go Belgium Police. But, if there is any further suggestions from your side, please do let me know.

May 25, 2013 01:40

at Gecko- what a horrendous response. You might have known a few bad policemen, but my experience is overall they are hardworking individuals who go out of their way to help people. I even know one who is now seriously brain damaged from being in the line of fire, and another who died leaving a wife and two small children. WHAT A DISRESPECTFUL COMMENT!!!

May 25, 2013 09:15

Get yourself down to your local huurdersbond - it will cost you around €12 to be a member for a year but they are worth it. Take all your paperwork with you and they'll go through it and help you sort the problem out even down to dealing with your landlord. Good luck

May 25, 2013 14:01

@Clanger... Thanks for the info. Could you tell me a bit more about huudersbond as I do not find much info in english on net.

May 25, 2013 17:17

1. No effect on visas. This is a civil, not a criminal matter.
2. The police will not get involved. This is a civil, not a criminal matter.
3. An extra €700 odd charges for heating is entirely credible. Energy costs have gone up massively, and charges have often not caught up to reflect that. Remember, the €75/month is a PROVISION against the eventual charges.
4. have you had a full and complete breakdown of charges yet?
5. The heater not working has nothing to do with how much it costs to run the building or what your fair share should be.

In short, yes, your landlord is a twat, and yes, he has failed in certain oblications, BUT that is totally seperate from the charges issues, as the charges are due to the building, not the landlord.

PS. You were on a student budget and could afford€75/month in charges? Just get Daddy to cough up.

May 26, 2013 01:25

You can sue your landlord, this is not through the police but through a lawyer. Will cost you max 1200 euro, but if you win your case you get all this money back anyhow (this is a forfait that the court awards to you).

I have worked in the past with Maarten Haegemans, working at Hydrolex (office in St Joost Ten Node). Good practice there.

Good luck for any other future issues!!

Sep 11, 2015 14:48