Ananta Roosens & Mostafa Taleb @ Chapel of Saint Anne in Auderghem - Hide & Seek Festival

This small chapel is one of the oldest in Brussels. Built in the Roman style, it would appear that parts of it date all the way back to the 11th century. This small jewel, rarely open to the public, is located on the upper part of the Val Duchesse domain. Light barely filters through its slender windows. Its old bricks form a narrow enclosure that creates a very particular atmosphere.
In this mystic and subdued place, Muziekpublique invites Moustafa Taleb, along with his Iranian kamancheh, and Ananta Roosens, with her violin. The duo sets aside its cultural baggage, and places its instruments side by side… From there on, the musicians exploit what remains, unite their individualities and look for places where their specificities could, or could not, come together. Independently of their geographical and cultural origins, a remarkable number of similarities remain. They present a refreshing, mind-opening exercise in which mutual trust and appreciation prime. Their music is almost totally improvised. It is based on their knowledge of each other’s musical language, to which they interact, rather than on pre-existing structured and predefined figures. They play as if there were no tomorrow…