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Annual Electricity Consumption


Good afternoon,

Maybe a long shot... but here it goes:

We are two living in a house however 4 when our parents visit - which is approvximately 4 months in total annually.
Our consumption was nearly 8000 Kwh. Is this normal consumption? Honestly, I thought it is, but yesterday I compared with a colleague of mine, and was in a shock. There is a major difference between our consumption and theirs.
Would appreciate any feedback re normal or acceptable electricity annual consumption.
Thanks a lot for feedback


This is not easy to answer because there are so many variables.
What does your electricity supply? Heating? Cooking? Hot water? Is the house occupied most of most days or is one or both of you out at work? Are you careful - don't leave lights on unnecessarily etc? Do you dry clothes with a tumble dryer and so on and on?
For what it's worth - and assuming that the meter measures Kwh - I have used around 2,700 units annually for the last 4 years.
I live alone and am retired so the house is occupied for most of most days. All my cooking is by electricity but not heating or water and I'm reasonably careful about not wasting electricity - I run the dishwasher when it's full rather than daily, for example.

Jan 9, 2014 14:32

We only have electricity. Heating, hot water, cooking, dishwasher....... no tumble dryer . Our hot water tank was very old last year, so was probably using a lot of electric. 2 people in a detached 3 bed house and we used about 13,000 kw.

If you don't have electric heating or hot water then that's quite a lot of electricity!

Jan 9, 2014 15:51

We are two living in a large detached house in the Ardenne. The heating is by a mazout boiler (but note that the pump consumes electricity), but water heating and cooking are done by electricity. We have a washing machine, a fridge and a fridge-freezer and all the usual electronic audio-visual gadgetry, but we don't have a tumble drier nor a dish washer. As far as practical, we have switched to low consumption lighting.

Before our photo-voltaics were installed, our annual consumption was in the region of 5500 kwH. The ondulators actually push this up but it is balanced by the pv generation.

Jan 9, 2014 17:01

6 person household, heating is gas, cooking is gas, 4 bedrooms, 150m2. Annual consumption for past 5 years has hovered around 3000kwh per year. Heavy use of washing machine and 3 laptops, rarely use dryer or any other high consumption machine.

Jan 9, 2014 18:28

That is pretty high -- I read somewhere that teh average family consumption is 5k

We used to use that and we have electric cooking, run 2 washing machines etc

We have had a solar installation and so now we use a lot of electric heating as well - and as a treat a tumble dryer as well

Our useage is now around 9k a year -- which is extreme -- but is offset by the solar input.

Jan 9, 2014 19:10

Thank you all for your replies.

We have mazout heating, cooking, hot water, washing machine, electricity.
No tumble dryer

I am going to check with our electrician whether we have something wrong ! We are out all day during the week except when we have visitors which amounts to approximately 4 months of the year, but I do not think that this justifies the extreme usage of electricity.

Jan 10, 2014 12:23

Actually your electricity company might be able to assist in your request.
I am pretty sure they provide a service that double check your household and provides tips and suggestions in how to reduce your bills and consumption.

Have a look in their website if you can find it.

This for example for Electrabel:

Jan 10, 2014 12:58