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api programmer wanted


Anyone out there who knows about API's etc. I want someone who can work for free for a project I would like to start up. Essentially I need someone who can write an application that would monitor in real time prices on websites...either through API feed or through the actual web site and put orders in based on defined criteria.

The work would be unpaid, but a portion of the income go to you. An interesting project to work on in your spare time etc. Basically the program would monitor prices and when an arbitrage opportunity appears order in put in, i.e buy at 2.00EUR sell at 2.50EUR for example.

I see this as either written in J2EE or .NET, and although I can read the code, I don't know how to write it. But no money required...just your brain and your time. I provide business knowledge, how the markets work etc, you provide tech savvy.


You should really read this:

And reconsider a) your ideas about software developers and b) the foundations of your business plan.

Jun 26, 2013 20:25
PreviouslyAnon Jun 26, 2013 20:26

I agree. anyone stupid enough to work for free is likely not to be good enough to get paid work - a rank amateur with no prospects like yourself.

Jun 27, 2013 07:46