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Are vaccinations compulsory in Belgium?
I would be grateful if you could help me in understanding if in Belgium some vaccinations are required in order to enroll a child in a nursery.
I was told that polio vaccination is compulsory by law in Belgium, but then on a web-site ( ) I read that it is no more compulsory … Besides, on another web-site I read that “If your child goes to crèche or any other care provision centre approved by the ONE, you will be asked to have it vaccinated against the following diseases: polio, diphtheria, whooping cough, type b Haemophilus influenzae, measles, rubella (German measles) and mumps.”
I got confused … Is any vaccination really compulsory?
Is there any difference, in terms of requirements, between a private nursery and a public nursery?
Can parents legitimately refuse to have their child vaccinated and still be able to enroll him/her in a nursery?
I am moving to Bruxelles in July 2013 for a 3-year assignment and I am looking for a nursery for my son, who is 17 months old and has not had any vaccination.
I thank you in advance for your help!
If you do not polo vaccines the police will be at your door. Our son was vaccinated in the UK system and so did not need one when we arrived but as I didn't realise I had to explain this to them the police came to check why I never took him for his jabs
Perhaps I'm too late, but ...
Vaccination against polio is still mandatory (, and apparently enforceable by law (???).
If it's a Kind en Gezin creche (so Flemish-speaking) only the polio vaccine is mandatory.
If you want to put your child in a creche that is overseen by the ONE (french-speaking) you also have to have them vaccinated against: diphtheria, whooping cough, type b Haemophilus influenzae, measles, rubella (German measles) and mumps.
So no difference re public vs private creche, only in overseeing organisation.
And yes, I believe a creche can refuse to have your child attend if they do not meet the requirement(s).