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Azerbijan ambassador to Nato robbed on Avenue Louise

07:56 12/08/2024

The Nato ambassador for Azerbaijan and his wife have been robbed of two Rolex watches worth a combined €90,000 on Avenue Louise.

The pair were attacked from behind by two people, one of whom had a firearm that was used to strike them both.

The couple were taken to hospital for treatment and the ambassador’s wife was reportedly bleeding severely.

The perpetrators managed to escape and the Brussels public prosecutor's office said an investigation into the facts was under way.

“After learning of the facts, the public prosecutor ordered the first investigative acts, namely the questioning of witnesses, the camera investigation and the intervention of the federal judicial police laboratory,” the Brussels prosecutor said in a statement.

“The investigation is being actively pursued to identify the perpetrators.”

Written by Helen Lyons



Have the perpetrators been found and arrested yet?

Sep 2, 2024 12:55