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Baffled by the new "economic requirement" to aquire Belgian Citizenship.


The following below is taken from another q & a on Belgian citizenship on this forum. My questions are below it. I don't know if any one has answers to this point but in anycase, it's a great topic for discussion among expats as I suspect many run into this massive road block of a requirement when looking into attaining Belgian citizenship within the new "requirements" that were instituted in Jan. of 2013. Would love to hear anyones' thoughts, ideas, opinions..etc. Thanks for your time.

6. If you are working you have to submit the INDIVIDUELE REKENING of the last 5 years (This paper is given by your employer for your tax declaration). You should have worked say for at least 468 days in the last 5 years to show your economic participation.
7. A letter from your current employer stating that you have been working with them since.....and you have a permanent contract for example.
8. Go to REGENSCHAPSTRAAT 54, 1000 Brussels and show your ID card and pay REGISTRATIERECHT amount of Euro 150.
9. Now go to Commune and show all the originals + 2 copies and pay Euro 50.

THAT's IT. Again, it depends from commune to commune.

Thank you for your comprhensive answer. I'm really troubled by this "work requirement"....Completely negative citizesnship targeted. Difficult at best, and straight racist at worst. So let me see if I'm getting this right. If you cannot find work for that amount of days = not meeting requirement? You have to be kidding with this one.

Take me for example. Given 1 overqualified janitorial job on a 3 month contract. Worked every day of it (while being subjected to horrible harrassment) only to not be extended the contract after 3 months. Since then, zero job hires in 1 year. So when you say..."it depends from commune to commune." What exactly do you imply? That the commune can bend the rules for citizenship? If that is the case then this is a rule that must be bent or abolished all together. I think the entire world of expats wishing to become Belgian citizens would agree with me here!

This "economic rule" is not based on the individual's efforts but rather on outside forces beyond his/her control. What if you can show evidence that you've looked for work for 10 years!? Volunteerism? Helping in the community? You wouldn't be allowed citizenship because none of these racist pigs will hire you? This must be a sick joke that needs attorneys involved.


"Belgians do prefer Belgians on the job market"
Not true at all. When you're sat there working out if someone can do the job or not, or in an interview, nationality is the last thing you worry about. Hiring the right people is a tough challenge.

Nov 3, 2013 11:46

" I only "look" for work as a way to keep busy..I don't need it from a financial standpoint. " Why do you so desperately need to become a Belgian citizen then???? Why are you moaning????? Belgian citizenship is for people who integrate, who feel a connection with Belgium. You can stay here with a residence permit too, you know. As long as you can show you are financially independent. Or can't you?

Nov 3, 2013 13:07

"I only "look" for work as a way to keep busy"
So you a fucking tax exile, probably wanting to get out of some other tax obligations. And you had the gall to take a janitor job off someone who really needed it?


Nov 3, 2013 20:08

"Not true at all. When you're sat there working out if someone can do the job or not, or in an interview, nationality is the last thing you worry about."

Thanks for the laugh on that one J. Yeah, go ahead and make your pathetic assumptions about me or anybody else who dares to tell it like it is. I'm not desperately trying to do anything. "Tax shelter?" hahahaha

Wow. This thread has surely produced an insane amount of irony thanks to you J. Let me clear it comment (as I said earlier) was not directed to anybody...but we all thank you for literally showing us who they should be directed at....YOU!!!!

It's obvious your "worldview" is strictly Belgian...or more to the point..probably (Flanders). And you couldn't resist your silly insults because you are threatened by people like me. And you should be.

I'm not going to counter you with insults as what would that prove? I know my worth. Having vast amounts of experience in REAL law enforcement makes me laugh at you and your type more than anything else.

Ohhh...and, I'm sorry if I took your job back then.

Nov 4, 2013 13:47

I'm guessing that you're American, and either ex-military, ex-CIA or ex-customs. Something like that. So let's get to the point with no sarcasm or anything like that.

- I am not Belgian. Other assumptions you have made are also wrong.
- You come across as a somewhat arogant, and definitely unlikeable cunt.

Nov 5, 2013 00:27

Sounds to me like we'd probably get along just fine J.

Nov 5, 2013 14:51

Just one question: why the hell do you want to 'honour' this country with you becoming a Belgian citizen when there is nothing you share and like about it? I have a problem understanding this!

Feb 13, 2014 00:14
