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Bank guarantee for rental of appartement


Hello folks!

Does any of you have experience with the functioning of a bank guarantee for the rental of an appartement?

What I am interested in is what happens when you end the rental contract? Supposing one is ready to leave the appartment, he/she does the "etat de lieux" with the owner and then 2 situations appear:
1) everything is fine, owner signs the paper that the bank guarantee can stop without any penalty.
2) some things are not ok. Owner notifies to the bank that he/she wants to retain a certain amount of money from the guarantee.

How things go on for the second option? Will the renter actually pay the amount requested by the owner or is the bank fully paying based on the bank guarantee?

Sharing your experience would be more than welcome.



Option 2: The renter counter-signs to indicate agreement, and the guarantee is split between the renter's account and the account specified by the landlord.

> Will the renter actually pay the amount
Err - well the renter has already paid that amount into the bank account in question at the beginning of the tenancy...

Jan 24, 2015 02:22

Option one is unlikely, to say the least. I'm sure it's happened, but my experience in Belgium says you are more likely to win a lottery prize.

Option two just means if the Landlord demands half the deposit before signing the release (because he finds you actually used the place) you only get half back from the bank.

Jan 24, 2015 05:33

Incidentally, when we left our rented apartment, we got the full deposit back.

Jan 24, 2015 14:10

I would expect no other answer, J.

Jan 24, 2015 15:49

Thanks for your replies. Actually we got our deposit back fully twice.

The situation is different now: we did not put money from our pocket for the guarantee, but the bank guaranteed for us against an yearly fee (something like 100 euro).

That's why the question now: if the owner says this time that there is damage of 500 euro, apparently he has to send a letter to the bank. But the people from the bank were not able to clarify who pays the bill...

Jan 25, 2015 09:04

I had conflicting advice about this as nobody seemed to have any experience about the lack of cash in a locked account. I found
helpful as there is someone there who deals with leases. I also ended up joining the syndicat des locataires as my landlord was very difficult.

Jan 26, 2015 11:08