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barking dog kept on balkony day and night


Hello! One of our neighbours decided to get a young dog. They are living in an apartment building. Probably because of the size of their apartment or whatever, they have decided to keep the dog the whole time outside on their tiny balkony. The first night we could hear the dog whining a lot. This has improved in the meantime, but now I'm woken up almost every morning around 5 because the dog starts barking - not for long, but enough to wake me up. The whole neighbourhood 'benefits' from the dog. I am very angry at the owner, how someone can act so irresponsibly and selfishly. They are surely happy to have a new dog, but never considered neither their dog nor their neighbours. Is there really nothing one can do? Any advice would be welcome!


" there are responsibly minded and irresponsibly minded people about and until you knock the door and politely mention the issue you don't know which the owner is"

Yeah. And if they happen to be not so "responsibly minded" you end up with a broken nose if you are lucky, and with a knife in your lung if you are unlucky. I would never confront anyone with this kind of issue directly. Anyway, in this case, since this person is stupid and cruel enough to take a dog and then keep it locked in a tiny balcony all the time, they for sure are not going to be willing to listen to reason. Most likely some sort of nut job. Let the police deal with it (or the animal protection people).

Jun 14, 2017 15:43

CC_R ... It's interesting thay you also suggest that the result of my complaining about dog barking is down to the way I complained. No, it was down to selfish people who were not interested in complaints. Just as you played down the issue with "dogs talk woof woof" so did they.
Two homes and a place of work ruined by this problem so yes, I may now come across as a little intolerant. My suggestion remains that the police are the best first port of call.

Jun 14, 2017 17:40

Mike if we were all a little more tolerant there would be a far better place for us all. When the person sent me hatemail about my dog I rung my local council the woman was very surprised because she said she had no record of any complaint I asked them what the person should have done and had they complainedd and if the person HAD they would say this.
Dogs are allowed to bark as long as they aren't causing a clear and constant disturbance they would HAVE TOLD the person complaining TO COME and SPEAK to me in person. Not sent round a council noise abaitment letter or call police first step Make other person aware.

Jun 15, 2017 10:54

Also FYI I don't like my dog barking and do try to limit it but having tried anti bark collars I can assure they don't work my dog is terrified of thunder if she hears it nearby before I do she starts barking I have tried lots of ways to stop her but even after collars and working with dog trainers she still does it what would you have me do euthanise my pet because she is frightened of thunder?

Jun 15, 2017 10:58

I would suggest anyone with a dog that barks often enough to be a disturbance should live away from others.

Jun 15, 2017 14:21

I we do we have only two neighbours who live close enough to hear the dogs and they don't mind them also in rural area have a dog is good for preventing people from breaking in

Jun 16, 2017 09:33

Hello !
Original poster here : First of all, thanks to all for taking your time to share your thoughts on the issue ! I take note, it’s ‘balcony’, not ‘balkony’ – I’m not a native English speaker, so forgive me ;-)
Some more information: We don’t live in the same building as the dog owners, but the bedroom is on the same level as the balcony with the dog. We hear the dog sometimes during the day, but that’s not an issue. My problem is really that the dog owners keep the dog on the balcony during the night and then the dog becomes active when daylight breaks. I am not a big fan of personal confrontation in such a situation, but I do understand that it is not nice to receive ‘hate mail’. The only solution I could imagine is to drop an anonymous, but polite letter in their mailbox suggesting they should take the dog inside during the night, although I will not get my hopes up that this will actually change anything… I am not sure the Police would act just upon my word or otherwise I’ll have to get up one day early in order to record the whole thing (anyway I’m awake, but usually I’m still tired and like to catch some more sleep still). Otherwise I could probably try to involve animal protection (who takes care of that in Belgium?). The balcony is exposed to the sun almost all day and with hot weather they should not keep the dog outside during the day either. They have tried to install some protection covering part of the balcony, but it’s something out of plastic and I can only imagine it must make things worse for the dog. It provides shadow, but it must be like an oven under this thing… Well, I do have my opinion on dog owners in towns, but I recognise that everybody has the right to make their own decision. I just wish the part of not bothering other people could be taken a bit more seriously…

Jun 16, 2017 10:29

Dear Sir/Madam,
Your dog is on the balcony all day and is barking as if it is in distress. We are very concerned and we think you should do something about it. Various neighbors have mentioned it, and have though of involving the police or animal protection, but I thought the situation would be better if you could find a solution yourself.

Jun 17, 2017 12:16

"Mike if we were all a little more tolerant there would be a far better place for us all."

And yet again, as the dog owner who has had complaints, you suggest others should be more tolerant of your animal that speaks "woof".

Jun 18, 2017 02:18

And CC_R...thank you for the other classic, that we should all live with your dogs noise because it's preventing people breaking in. Along with they "talk woof" and that your dog is scared of thunder.

I NO LONGER CARE! MY home is hell from a constant barking dog that I can do nothing about and I'm supposed to let it all go because dogs talk woof, I should be more tolerant and you can't just get a bloody alarm system?

You have absolutely gone down the road that I would expect if I faced the dog owner directly.

Your posts here continue to reinforce my advice to the OP, go directly to the police and do not waste your time with the dogs owner, because just as CC_R has done here, it's YOU they will consider to be intolerant and the problem.

If you google this issue, you will find others that give advice that means you don't contact the police or the owners, you just deal with the dog because you don't want to be the one under suspicion. I don't condone their advice, I do understand it.

Jun 18, 2017 02:30
