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Belgian Customer service... again


Just tried to by some large potatoes from my local shop to use as baked potatoes. The shopkeeper had a big tray of mixed muddy dirty potatoes but wouldn't sell me large potatoes - he insisited I had to take small ones and large ones. I politely pointed out that i wanted them for baking in the oven so didn't need small ones but he wasn't going to let me buy them unless I bought ones I didn't want.
Result - I have no potatoes - he hasn't made a sale and I will not visit his shop again... Belgian customer service! You couldn't make it up could you?


I lived in Brussels for 7 years, and I have always been allowed to pick my own fruit & vegetables at the shops. So don't generalize this as Belgian customer service. You are the customer, you are free to spend your money in any shop you like. Go where they appreciate you, and you'll be a happy customer!

May 29, 2013 17:01

....thats a big vote for your chain supermarkets V small grocer etc. Reminds me of our 'sneaking around' system in UK small town as a kid, having to wait outside/out of sight of one shop with groceries purchased in another shop - and visa versa - while sibling/mother went in to shop - ( it was so as not to upset or risk malice of any of them.Then one day the supermarket came to town and yippee !! - freedom and independence and rights. OK - so its gone over the top now but i always appreciate the anonymity/freedom to choose factor, of the big supermarket

May 29, 2013 17:12

Yes, good old Belgian customer service or the lack thereof, it really sucks most of the time. Well, at least some of us are getting out of here soon, almost time for parole, so to speak :-)

May 29, 2013 21:09
