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Belgian Nationality declaration via court of appeal


I applied for Belgian Nationality 4 years ago but was rejected on 12 days gap in 7 years .I appealed to the court of first instance and now 4 years later, have won the case. The judge told me that I would receive within one month a letter from the courts confirming this decision.

Then I have the letter 2 months ago via my lawyer. She said the decision will be presented to me through police services probably in one month but I did not hear from police until now.

My question is: does anyone have same experience? what happens next? Does anyone know how long the procedure to get nationality takes from here on out?



I am in a similar situation due to a 10-day gap in my residency. It's been 4 years and I'm still waiting. Apparently there are 5,000 of us in "administrative limbo". Ridiculous. I am a citizen of another EU country so don't really "need" Belgian citizenship, although I would like to have the right to vote here. Believe it or not, I was actually advised to cancel my pending application and apply via the simplified procedure for spouses of Belgians (my husband is Belgian). Of course, now I would have to pay 250 euros for the privilege, whereas before it was free.

Feb 23, 2015 15:45

Akozan, please share your lawyer contacts as we would like to apply also but we do not know any lawyer around.


Feb 23, 2015 16:39

You'll actually get better advice from your local commune. You certainly don't need to use a lawyer to apply - it's just a waste of money.

Feb 23, 2015 16:53


I have been living in brussels coomune for 5 years. I now have a type-B permanent residence card. during my five years of stay, I have always been working and i have always had type-A residence card which was renuwed every year. I have always aplied for the renewal of my type-A card well before the expiry date of the previous card. but, in all these years there were delays from the ministry and commune to provide me the new ID. because of this there is always a month's gap between the expiry of my old ID and the new ID.

I have now moved to the commune of ever, and when i went to apply for citizenship, they are telling me that i do not have 5 years of uninterupted stay as there have always been a months gap. i told them that it is due to the delay from the part of commune and ministry. but they are refusung to take my application.

Have anyone experience similar situation ?

Mar 22, 2017 15:21

Contact Mr. Frank Coel. He is an immigration lawyer based in Mechelen.

Jan 11, 2020 11:29

Hi there,

What were your costs for appealing?
I'm in a similar situation right now, but I'm not sure whether to consider appealing or not.
Many thanks

Nov 12, 2020 11:13