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What does it say about Flanders support for Belgium when a youth group from Flanders,the Katholieke Studerende Jeugd (KSJ)
willfully flout the law of the French part of Belgium by placing the flag of Flanders above the national flag,which is in contrevention of laws governing youth movements in Belgium.
This perverted nationalism coming from a youth movement is cause for concern.


Please check your facts.
In the beginning they only had the Flanders flag as a lot of other camps had done before them. Because in the past (with other camps) this had given offense to the nearby walloon community, so they had changed the local reglementation saying that a flemish flag was not allowed to be the only flag displayed. It had to be accompanied by a European or Belgian flag.
So they looked for another flag (Belgian) and placed it (yes, really shouldn't have done this!) under the Flanders flag.
But I agree that having only a Flanders flag (allowed or not) with them was bad.

Aug 7, 2012 21:31