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Belgium Nationalty
I think it is B. What I know is it is two levels lower than the one requested in French nationality. I hope somebody will help you with the exact answer.
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To my knowledge, if you are working uninterrupted you don't need to show anything.
If you are not working but declaring nationality based on residence of 10 years, then it is level A2.
The only problem might be how to prove because private school certificates do not count. You need to get if from a Belgian government affiliated language center (e.g. cours de promotion sociale or Flemish integration courses) or a SELOR test.
Indeed, it is A2 level! We provide sworn translations for nationality application, if ever you are entitled to apply already, our address av.louise, 65 4th floor, in Ixelles, Nexus Translation, Ludmila Bulgar, sworn translator, for quote, you can send us the scan of your documents to, 0499129506.
None at all if you've been working here for 5 years + continuously.