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Belgium Sleep Out: Join sponsored event showing solidarity with homeless

11:59 11/09/2022

Spend the night on the cold hard floor of Tour & Taxi, that’s the challenge set by street nurse organisation Infirmiers de rue/Straatverplegers to raise funds and awareness about homelessness.

Under the slogan “Let’s put an end to homelessness together”, Belgium Sleep Out invites volunteers to join the team in the sponsored action at the Brussels venue on 7 October. Alternatively, participants can ‘sleep out’ at a place of their choosing or follow the event online.

Registration is free but participants are encouraged to raise money via sponsorship, either individually or in groups. Volunteers need to bring a sleeping bag.

Different activities will be available throughout the evening that will inform participants about the scale of the homeless problem in Belgium. There will be a play and a Q&A with support workers, as well as videos, games and music.

Team members will ask for small donations during the event to help support the street nurses who go out every day to help people on the streets, medically and administratively.

Since its start in 2006, the nonprofit has been tackling homelessness in Brussels and Liège. With winter approaching, Infirmiers de rue aims for this initiative to send a message to Belgium’s politicians about the urgent need for a national strategy to reduce the problem.

Belgium Sleep Out
7 October, 19.00-7.00
Tour & Taxis, Shed 2
86C Ave du Port

Written by Louis Kernoa-Pascoe