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Belgium VS UK


In regards to business, tax, living, children education, medical facilities & social security benefits, which place is better? I need to evaluate for taking future decisions. Will appreciate serious advice.


on your own, or with a partner? How many children? Private or public education? Couldn't possibly begin to answer without full info from you, sorry

Aug 26, 2013 18:07

Original poster here. I am mentioning here under further details.
- I want to take steps at my own without my partner.
- Just having one baby
- I work as an independent in Belgium & have an SPRL. Company here. So if UK is more advantageous regarding business, taxes, education, medical facilities and social security benefits, maybe I will have to close my company here. So I need serious advice from UK Citizens or the people who really have knowledge about both lands.
- I am paying here around 800 EUR as social security contribution each quarter. Plus 33 percent tax on business income as well as some other official taxes.
- One thing I must add that after working 7-years as an independent in Belgium, I noticed that INDEPENDENTS are just like self-growing plants. No one is supporting them in Belgium. They are facing huge tax challenges in this land & tax Invoices are always following like barking dogs.

- I really have not much knowledge about UK, if it can really better than Belgium in above aspects.
In my thoughts, language is the major thing, pushes me always to take some steps, as sometimes my nerves stops to understand. Please advise.

Aug 26, 2013 21:58

A major issue is the cost of housing in the UK. If you are looking at London or the south-east it is very expensive indeed.
Social security benefits - some years ago my wife was classed as an invalid here and got around €1,000.00 a month; her brother in UK was also drawing invalidity benefit at the rate of £64.00 a week. A Belgian old age pension is around 3 times that of the UK equivalent.

Aug 26, 2013 22:21