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Bills - second attempt for assitance thanks !!!!


Advice required for contesting of domestic utility bills - anyone recommend a legal adviser or organisation to assist/assist?


Don't repost. Makes you look stupid.

Feb 26, 2014 13:20

Perhaps some clue as to which bills and why you want to contest them will generate answers which might save you paying for legal advice.
BTW be aware that, in Belgium, the custom and practice is that you do not simply let a bill go past the due date - pay up and argue later and, if the bill is inaccurate, you will get a refund. On the other hand, if the bill is accurate you'll get an extra bill for late payment - and a bill for the bailiff's services!

Feb 26, 2014 14:22

Agree with above reply.
Need to know more to be able to reply.
In most cases, you should know and agree beforehand of any extra utility charges and this should be in the lease agreement.

Feb 27, 2014 11:00

As said, more info needed.

However, if it's a dispute direct with Hydrobru then forget it; they are a virtual monopoly here and a law unto themselves... as confirmed to me by all identifiable consumer organisations contacted.

Mar 5, 2014 17:18

Hi there,
For energy utilities you can contact all three parties:
1) Eandis/ Sibelga (distribution network operator)
2) Brugel (regulator)
3) Ombudsman energie (

For water issues, you can also contact ombudsman or Hydrobru themselves.

Good luck!

Sep 11, 2015 14:45