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We went to see a house which we love. However we are not sure of the following:

Heating is mazout as there is no gaz connection to the house

Water heats with electricity but house has a day and night metre

Appreciate any input and feedback on whether these are minor issues that are ok, or we should stay away and lose this house.



Why is mazout an issue? Lots of people on Belgium, especially outside the city, have mazout boilers - me included! It works out about the same as the cost of gas. The only difference is that you have to pay for it in chunks, when you fill up your tank, rather than in monthly installments.

Personally, I'd not be happy about having my hot water heated by electricity for a whole house. Are you sure it's the whole house's hot water, and not just the hot water for one room such as the kitchen? I'd be looking to install a boiler hat can do hot water and heating - maybe see if the existing boiler could do this or look into buying a new boiler perhaps.... There are energy grants available for replacing old boilers.

Oct 25, 2012 13:04