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Bottled water


I see people here buy a lot of plastic bottled water when it's possible to buy glass bottled water - brands like Tönissteiner, Chaudfontaine, even Spa all do bottled water in glass. Tönnisteiner has the highest magnesium content so it's the healthiest bottled water available in Belgium. Is there any particular reason why such an environmentally damaging packaging such as plastic is so popular here? Do people not think before they buy?


I think Tara is living on another planet...

If you're concerned about the 'environment' don't buy any bottled water - drink the high quality and safe water coming through your tap.

Also, saying that one water or another is the 'healthiest' is nutcase science. Just because a certain bottled water has a marginally higher percentage of one mineral compared to another, does not make it more healthy.

Jun 3, 2013 11:46

Tap water quality is pretty good - Ours goes through a filter - lot cheaper than bottled!! (Do have a few bottles in the celler - untouched - in case the mains get dug up without warning - but that is all)

Jun 3, 2013 12:41

When I mention filter -- entire supply is filtered due to the calcare. On the rare occassions when it runs out of salt -- we still drink the tap water.

Jun 3, 2013 12:44

Agree that tap water here is fine. But the debate was supposed to be about glass vs plastic for cases when people do buy bottled water. Sparkling water ro example...or other bottled beverages that do not come from the tap.

I find the OP's question about why so many people buy plastic instead of glass and the relative merits of each a much more interesting discussion topic!

Jun 3, 2013 14:43
winterlover Jun 4, 2013 09:27

Is there any particular reason why such an environmentally damaging product such as bottled water is so popular here? Do people not think before they buy?

Apparently not.

Jun 4, 2013 11:12

Clearly not, but then again this is a country that wastes oodles of power recklessly lighting up the streets, gardens and city as a show prosperity and are proud of it despite the waste in energy, money, and adverse health effects.

Jun 4, 2013 20:09
