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break between jobs


Hi xpats, I have been working in Belgium for over two years at the same company as a white collar worker. I am thinking of changing my job. Would it be possible for me to take some unpaid time off between the jobs? For example give my 6 week notice, but not start the new job until 8 weeks later? Would this cause any issues with taxes, insurance, unemployment, ect.?


You could ask for a career break, and use the time to go to an institutuon to learn new skills in a career you would like to do.

Jan 10, 2014 14:47

No, but you DO have to register as a person looking for a job at VDAB, Actiris, ... (takes you 5 minutes to do it online) or be a dependent to someone for that periode. Else you would not be able to keep your health insurance going for that period of time if I'm not mistaken.

Being registered as a jobseeker doesn't really require you to do anything, unless you get unemployment of course.

Jan 11, 2014 12:30

'Would this cause any issues with taxes, insurance, unemployment, etc.?'
Not for such a short period of time.
Where you are likely to find a problem is with a future employer.
If you a planning to get a new job sorted out before you give 6 weeks notice it is very unlikely that your new employer will be happy to wait 8 weeks for you to start. On the contrary the new employer is likely to urge you to come to an arrangement with your current employer to leave before the 6 weeks is up.
The alternative, leaving before you have a new job to go to, could mean that you have far longer than 2 weeks unpaid leave to look forward to!
So, whilst there is no problem in principle with what you want to do, there almost certainly will be in reality.

Jan 11, 2014 13:17

I think continuous work can make you frustrated so it is important to have breaks in between. Every company has different rules and regulations, you should consult with your HR manager in this concern.
jobs melbourne

Aug 4, 2014 13:05