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Brussels 1000 Commune


Hi all,

I was wondering if anyone who has had experience with registering with Brussels 1000 Commune can share some insights.

I recently moved to Brussels and am in the process of doing my initial registration. However, I'm a bit tied as to when I can visit the Commune for registration due to my work hours and I was wondering if anyone has gathered from experience as to what is the best time/days to go there in order to avoid long queues and lack of tickets?

Any tips or strategies are welcome.

Thanks in advance :)


1000 Brussels is always crowded . Be there before they open and be the first in the queue. There will be other people waiting as well.
There are times when we had to wait till noon for our number to be called.

May 8, 2014 20:23

It is pot luck with respect to day/time of day. I arrived at 6:30am and was 30th in the queue. They saw me at 10:15am. Your best chance might be to go Thursday afternoon as it opens later on that day.

May 9, 2014 00:14

I always go about 30 minutes before they close and have never had to wait more than a few minutes. The place is usually dead. There used to be late opening hours on Thursday evenings--until 8--but not sure if that is still true.

May 9, 2014 09:51

I agree with sparkles.

Try days before they close. Might take you a couple of visits to get the right day, but I used to go line up at 7am, only to go in and then people would start fighting for the right place. Honestly, didn't expect that type of stuff in Belgium at the time, but it happened twice. And even though I got there early, by the time people had started fighting for their places, I was like 20 something on the queue and then by the time i was seen (after my number was given), it was 10am or so.

Then one day out of pure accident I went in the afternoon and pretty much I walked up to the front of the queue. Also, it seems they change how they do the line because it used to be that you went up got your number and then you were called for whatever thing you needed. Last time I went, the lady who gives the number now tries to resolve your issue, and if she can do it, you're not given a number. However, if you're waiting in line behind whoever, you might be waiting a long time. Complete chaos!

Just be aware that even if you show up at 5am to be the first one in line, by the time other people come and they go up, fights might happen and you might be pushed back. I'm surprised they don't implement a better system. Actually, not surprised at all. It is Belgium.

May 9, 2014 14:19

I registered at B1000 a few years ago, then I left Belgium, and returned, so I'm in the process of registering again (B1000 again).

They now accept registration by email (scanned copies of your documents) for the initial request, which saves some time.
Then your address is verified (police visit) and you receive a 'convocation' to come to the commune with the actual documents to finalise the registration.

One month after providing my documents by email, I sent a follow-up because I didn't hear back from them. It turned out that they hadn't done anything about it (!) - so I recommend to follow-up by email until you receive a modéle 2 pdf form (confirmation of request to register address) by email.

For timing of visiting the commune, my experience was same as above (either be very early, or take your chances towards the end of opening hours).

May 10, 2014 21:55

Thanks, all.

Is the registration desk at the commune open later on Thursdays? From what I read, they only work til 12.30pm Mon-Fri, which is my issue because I cannot leave the office between 9.30-12.30.

TheBMan, many thanks for your advice. The problem is that I already emailed my things over(first time I went to the commune at 11am on a Wednesday, they had run out of tickets and advised me to email instead) and I paid my fee nearly 2 weeks ago but they told me they can't proceed until they get confirmation from their finance (yet I don't see how they wouldn't have received my payment by now). So their advice was to go to commune in person next week to "complete everything" if I haven't heard anything back from them. But if I have to go in person again, I am pressed by my block hours at the office and I am also worried about going and not getting a ticket.

Actually, other than wanting to sort this out quickly in general, I am also in a rush as my boyfriend and I would like to apply for legal cohabitation asap (he is non-EU) and I know that we can't even start the process until I have been registered with the commune, which seems to take quite a while and it doesn't help that I'm limited about when I can go in person.

If anyone has any further advice, also in regards to the cohabitation process, I would be very grateful. Long live Belgian bureaucracy :D

May 11, 2014 11:45

The opening hours (for the population services / registration) are:
Monday from 8:30 am to 3 pm, Tuesday from 8:30 am till noon, Wednesday from 8:30 am to 3 pm, Thursday from 8:30 am to 6 pm, Friday from 8:30 am till noon.

I had the same issue with the payment - they didn't acknowledge it until around a month later.
If you send them a screenshot of your payment from online banking & ask them the status then they should respond with a pdf confirming your request, and then someone comes to check that you live at the address.
After your address is confirmed, you get the convocation to go to the commune.

I believe if you go to the commune before your address has been confirmed, they won't allow you to complete everything.

The process is famously chaotic in B1000... good luck !

May 11, 2014 13:11

Thanks, TheBMan! I'll try with the screenshot tomorrow. Fingers crossed. I did actually call the commune to follow up but they said that nothing could be done until their finance team sends them a confirmation.

RE working hours, you are referring to the ones for the desk on the second floor. Unfortunately, I think for first time registration, I can only do it on the 3rd floor (lucky me, it's the busiest one of all) and their working hours are shown as Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm (distribution of tickets from 8:15 am) :(

Many thanks anyway, I'll be happy once this is finished! :)

May 11, 2014 22:30
Sally Tipper

There's an intro to cohabitation here:
Good luck!

May 12, 2014 18:14