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buggy & house rules


Dear expats,

Placing a buggy in a house hall is not allowed. Now the house rules say that elevators are only for transport of persons. Does that mean I cannot carry a buggy in the elevator? The stairwell is steep and narrow, while the buggy quite heavy. I live on the first floor, yet it is already a difficult procedure to carry the buggy parts down and assembly them, while the baby is left alone in the apartment. Can you share any experience about that?


The rules on not having a buggy left in the hall is as it is a fire and safety hazard. As for the buggy being in the lift it should be allowed as it is housing a person and needed for the transportation of that person.
Can you see someone saying that Wheelchairs are not allowed in a lift?

Jun 10, 2014 11:34

If you might otherwise take up the space for another tenant then always let them go first and wait a couple of minutes but there is no way that you cannot take your baby in the buggy in the lift.
This rule is commonly to stop people moving furniture etc and making the lift unusable to other tenants.

Jun 10, 2014 11:45

A (small) person in a buggy is still a person. Of course you can use the lift.

Jun 13, 2014 00:20

Yes the lift is for use with a buggy it means not taking furniture I imagine or dogs maybe.. Please don't leave your baby alone in the apartment it's not safe what if a fire broke out and once they can move then there are all. Sorts of hazards. Plus you need to take care of your back if you have. A baby lots of lifting and carrying.

Jun 18, 2014 00:02