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To buy a flat with a tenant?



We've recently seen a flat that we would like to buy - but the flat comes with a tenant who has been living there for 30 years or so.

We're a little torn over whether we should buy the flat as we don't know what our rights are in asking the tenant to leave.

Is there a site (preferably in Dutch/English as we don't understand French) where we can get more information on this situation?

Has anyone been in this situation before? Any unexpected problems?

Thanks for your help!


This publication from the Federal Ministry of Justice tells you everything you need to know; take a look at page 22. As you have the intention to live in this flat yourselves, you have the legal right to ask the tenant to leave at any moment during the lease, by giving a notice of six months.

If you were intending to rent the place again (no doubt for a higher rent), giving notice would be a lot more tricky; there are all kinds of limitations on that. But as this is not the case, no need to go there.

You have to wait until you are the legal owners of the flat, i.e. until all the paper work has been completed. The current owner cannot give notice on your behalf.

Jul 5, 2012 17:48