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canadian passport photos
There's a photography shop 100m away from the embassy at Avenue des Celtes 5, B-1040 Bruxelles
Alternatively, most photography shops in Brussels and Brabant.
The one mentioned above is great if you can find parking. Also one in Tervuren: It's not correct that most photography shops can meet the specific requirements. And the photos WILL be rejected if not 100% in compliance.
Thanks for asking this question. I was logging on to ask the very same thing although I probably would have chosen pedantic exactitude over your more diplomatic adjective strenuous. Two pages of instructions to tell a professional photographer how to take a photo....
I hope this can bump up the thread. Does anyone know where else I can get photos of the correct format. My go-to place in Bonheiden (A. Bordo) doesn't anymore, nor 2 photo shop who advertise on their website as doing it...
I called the 2 place provided in this thread and they've told me they no longer can provide either.
I'm getting desperate here, so anywhere in Belgium will do.
You can always come visit Elir Studio Photo, - in avenu Louise. We provide not only photos according to Canadien passport regulations but also high quality and nice pictures.