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Car Insurance Claim, VAT reduction
Whilst correctly parked on the road, my car was hit by another vehicle and was damaged. The insurance claim is going through, but I have been asked if I am subject to VAT together with my VAT number. I am employed (as a teacher) and so do not have the latter and so suppose that I am not subject to VAT. If I did then I was then asked whether I can reduce this VAT, so again this would not apply.
I was later asked separately with regard to the vehicle if I am entitled to reduce the VAT relating to this claim and at what rate for the costs (acquisition, repair, maintenance, etc.) relating to the insured vehicle. If this is just a repetition of the first question, I cannot understand why they ask it twice. If it is not, should my answer be different (i.e. 'yes' ) to this part for any reason.
Thanks in advance for your help.