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Car loan


If you buy a car costing 15000 € on installments for four years (through dealer or bank) with (theoretically) no down payment, how much would you end up paying for the car if you do not default on any payment? I'm just looking for round figures not for anything exact.


Some of the bank sites have loan simulators taht will give you a better idea than anyone here -- From time to time tehre are zero % offers from various manufacturers - look on their websites or adverts (if they show a deal - look at teh small print as that will show the repayments and total to repay.

Apr 24, 2013 17:44

It depends on the interest rate you get. But just for the sake of this example, if you borrow 15000 on a 3% interest rate over 4 years you will pay 15923,84 Euros. Your monthly payments would be 331,75 Euros

Apr 24, 2013 19:29

My guess is that it very much depends on the car brand and the financial company used to finance the sales .
Some brands (especially Germans) have access to very cheap finances in the market making their products very competitive if paid with instalments, other car companies have borrowing costs much higher and of course it ends up being paid by their customers.

so it is difficult to give a precise answer , but as mentioned there are always campaigns, promotions, month end discounts (to reach quotas) etc

Apr 25, 2013 14:48

Project financing program. We offer flexible financing for various projects by following the usual rigorous procedures. This funding program allows a customer to enjoy a low interest rate repayment for as low as 3% per year for a period of 2-30 years. We can approve a financing for up to $500,000,000.00 or more depending on the type of business. Reply us with the information below via our following email:

Amount Needed:
Monthly/Yearly Income:

Mr Adams

Feb 11, 2018 15:01