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Car Replating / Insurance


Hi People

I have a Dutch-plated car which I should (very) soon replate as I have been here nearly a year. I wanted to ask the procedure for this. If anyone knows that would be great. But at the same time I have just been searching for a insurance quote (using ING) and have found out that my insurance will triple - presumably as a result of relocating from a small Dutch town to one of the less salubrious areas of Brussels.
I have max (70%) no claims bonus - but the quote that I received put my insurance up from less than 300E to more than 950E. is this normal (in which case selling the car is the clear option) or should I shop around for other quotes?


The info on re-plating is freely available by using google.

I'd always search around for at least 3 quotes, in fact nearly always more.

Nov 8, 2012 18:50