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Cars with US specifications


When I had to move to Belgium from the States about 4 years ago, I decided to bring my almost a brand new car with me (the move to overseas came as a surprise) and I was ready to pay to get the European specifications. It then turned out that as one does not have to take the state inspection for new cars, I could drive my car without any issues.

Last week, however, I got the inspection invitation. The 'problem' is that I am leaving in about 4 months and am wondering now whether there are ways to get a waiver for those changes? I am obviously going to ask this from the inspection people but it never hurts asking around first. Thanks!


I very much doubt it.

Jan 20, 2013 22:32

the best is to sell it to avoid all complications
you can contact a broker named caragency dot be

Dec 13, 2017 16:42