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Cat-flap solutions


Cat-flap solutions - we are hoping to welcome a cat to our family. The only way we can add a cat flap is through the back-door, which is a glass pane. Can anyone recommend a company that will carry out this work, to cut through double glazed glass, on site? Thanks.


Bad idea.
Double glazing is designed and manufactured as a sealed unit in order to maintain it's insulation properties.
The glass is often toughened glass, especially if it's in a door.
Cutting a hole risks;
1) shattering the whole thing as it's toughened glass and not designed to be cut
2) ruining the seal and leaving your glass door permanently clouded with condensation
3) the window will lose all it's insulation properties.
Your only real option is going to a double glazing supplier and ordering a custom made door with a cat flap designed and built in.

Apr 23, 2013 11:42

It's kinder never to let the cat out of the house in the first place. One local cat recently succummed to rat poision, and another was the victim of a tragic road accident, and we have a lot more birds in the garden this spring.

So save your money and keep Kitty happy and safe indoors.

Apr 23, 2013 12:04

If it is a double glazed panel you can take it out and put in a new panel in insulated pvc the same as you see in most new doors these can be cut into and fitted with a cat flap, the better quality ones close efficiently so as to keep the heat in.

Apr 23, 2013 20:40

also I work in this area so I can be sure that " Your only real option is going to a double glazing supplier and ordering a custom made door with a cat flap designed and built in." is not true.

Apr 23, 2013 20:44