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Chassis number insurance


All the best for everyone in the New year!

Next week I am collecting a brand-new car in the UK. Insuring the car temporarily to "export" it to Belgium (I am not a UK citizen) is surprisingly a hassle. To cut it short, I need an insurance company which would insure (comprehensive + civil insurance) a car on the chassis number for a short period in order to drive it from London to Brussels. After registering and plating the car in Belgium I would like to continue the same insurance if possible.
Your help is much appreciated.


Since when did insurance companies start reporting anybody who tries to get insurance to move their new car? The insurance companies do not like anything other than straight forward insurance, that's why they will not all jump at the chance of insuring in these circumstances. The idea that the insurance companies are reporting potential customers for possible money laundering is a nonsense.

It's no more money laundering if it's bought in the UK or Belgium, it makes no difference.

Jan 2, 2015 17:50

Have you stopped taking your anti-psychotics again Mike???

Independent insurance broker -> explain what you want.
They will insure on the chassis number on UK plates whilst you get the car through the import procedure. (I did it a few years ago).

You may have to insure it temporarily through a UK broker to get it out of the UK.

I think you'll need the right paperwork from the UK dealer so you can reclaim the UK VAT, as you will have to pay Belgian VAT on the car as part of the import procedure.

Jan 2, 2015 21:51

A symptom of psychosis. J, might be believing that everybody is out to report you......

Jan 3, 2015 08:55

If you already have car insurance here then that may be easier -- my insurance company ages ago provided me with insurance on chassis number on a UK registered car so I could drive it here and then go through all the hassle of registering -- more recently I wanted to do the same with a camper and they said they didn't do it anymore --- BUT -- that for 24 hrs I could use the number plate and insurance of my Belgian registered car . - I told them which 24hr period I needed and then travelled to UK - attached the plates and drove back here

Jan 8, 2015 12:00

Thanks Luke. It is possible to get an insurance on a chassis number although it takes an experienced broker. At the end I chose an UK based insurer which runs an export product (7 day comprehensive insurance). Here's the link should someone need it in the future:

Jan 8, 2015 20:21
