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Choosing an ISP


This is both a bit of advice as well as a question. I dropped Proximus as my ISP a couple of months ago as the BBox3 router was so gutless it was almost unusable. All of my neighbours' networks were more powerful than mine and having Proximus replace it did not help.
So I changed to Voo....


Anyway, now I'm stuck with Voo and have dowlnoad bandwidth of between 0-75Mpbs depending on how it feels and while I can usually get an ok connection with ethernet, the wifi simply won't work most of the time whichever channel I choose. The Voo technician warned me when he installed it that the cable outside was a bit old and that he could upgrade it for €180. I'n not going to do this as I rent and anyway this is a wifi problem.

Here's my question - has anyone tried using a 2nd router like a Friztbox to improve wifi?

Bruce M

Your problem may lie elsewhere--the line as the technician suggested, your modem/router or your computer. I have used VOO for about five years and am very happy with it.

Sep 9, 2015 07:47

I've also been a very happy VOO user for the past 5 years having tried various others in Brussels since 1996 onwards.
Agree with BRUCE M, your problem may well be elsewhere.

Sep 9, 2015 11:47

I've been on Bbox2 (not 3) for years. On an Ethernet cable I get 60+ and on wireless <20. There were times when I had slowdowns, even the internet dropping out, and twice Belgacom/Proximus had to work the cables outside, free of charge. Now it is stable. I agree with the others, the problem seems to be with the line outside.

Sep 9, 2015 15:20