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City of Spa added to Unesco world heritage list

Illustration picture shows a general view of Spa, Friday 11 September 2020. (BELGA PHOTO BRUNO FAHY)
06:01 26/07/2021

The city of Spa became Belgium’s representative on the Unesco world heritage list of "Great Water Cities of Europe" when it was officially added to the prestigious index on Saturday.

The decision taken at the 44th session of the World Heritage Committee, which is being held in Fuzhou in China from 16 to 31 July, was made public on Saturday. Authorities from Spa attended the session via videoconference.

An indication of Spa’s possible admission had appeared in a document published on 4 June by Icomos, the World Heritage Committee's advisory body. The recommendation by Icomos was based on Spa’s history as a centre of European thermal activity.

In view of the recent floods that devastated the city, the planned festivities following the important announcement are not taking place out of respect for those affected.

Written by Nick Amies