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clocking cars


so heres a good one for you. Bought a Audi A4 14 months ago. I didnt realise when i bought it off an independent garage that it was actually a german car, so I ended up having to pay 900€ import tax on top. I should have seen the signs when I bought he had advertised the car (and subsuequently mine which i traded in) a year younger than it actually was.
So several things go wrong exactly a year when the gaurantee runs out. Battery- 180€, tyres, 400€, catalitic convertor 600€ and then finally it brokedown with a broken fuel pump- 2000€.
So I've spent nearly 4k on this car in one year, bringing the total cost to 19500€.
When i went to the repair garage to pick it up today,after its new feul pump, the guy tells me when he ran the diagnostics it shows that the car has 80k more kms then whats on the clock.
I ring Audi to get them to verify and the last service in Audi Germany (one month before my guy started advertising it) it was registered with 70k more kms then what the car pass or control technique says on the belgian papers.
So in the region of one month it lost 80k +-
Now the question is, do i go in heavy and threatening and try get my money back?
Do I just go straight to the police and let them deal with it,this will probably mean that i lose my money as I checked his company accounts and he hasnt enough assets to cover more than 10k plus lets face it, we're in Belgium and that could take years
Final option,is I sell on the car with the kms as is, but I'm not that sort of person...

any advice or suggestions welcome


Ouch - If you are a member -- contact test-achats for advice - they have helped us a lot with advice on a solar instal. There is a small claims court service which is apparently pretty fast

Nov 12, 2012 16:53