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Cohabitation visa application procedure for Belgium


Hello! I am in the process of applying to cohabitation visa, listen to my story.

I came across to this website while looking into more information. I am currently living in Turkey, but I met my Belgian partner when I was a student in Netherlands. We are dating for almost 2 years now, I've stayed with him during summer, met his family, he has been into my country for 3 times now. We decided to apply for cohabitation but I need visa to apply. I already gathered all of the documents, however some of the information related to "proof of stable long-term relationship" confuses me. On some websites it says "you have to know each other at least 2 years", but on the official immigration website of Belgium ( indicates "1 year" under the cohabitation section. Also, regardless of this 1 year 2 year thing, some people are commenting on how the applications will be rejected on "" if you have not lived together for a year without interruption. There is where I start to panic. Because cohabitation is for long term relationships. I have no chance of staying with him without interruption. If I could, I would do that. My question is, what is the real criteria?

My application will be on next month, I just don't want to pay the visa fee and lose it


You must have known each other for a minimum of 2 years and un interrupted stay together or meetup for 45 days minimum.Photos,air tickets,chats,telephone records will come in handy at the commune.
Best of luck!

Dec 15, 2014 23:24

The background to this is that all EU countries have a responsibility to ensure that people moving to the EU and claiming that it is to join a partner are doing so for genuine reasons rather than simply as a means to get access to the EU for economic benefits.
Your country of origin will be considered firstly and then whatever evidence you can produce to show that yours is a genuine claim. It is very much a case that you cannot have too much - emails, lists of calls, flight tickets, photos, letters, birthday cards and so on and on.
Also, your partner should be making enquiries at his commune - he is better placed than you to get details. They should know that he is sincerely involved in your plan to move here.
Good luck

Dec 16, 2014 11:42

This is nonsense. You don't need to prove that you have been living with your partner. You have to prove that you have a long standing relationship by providing communications and other additional information that might help as indicated by the previous commentator. In my case it was easy as I didn't have to apply for a visa to get into Belgium so I did all the procedures her eat the commune but I can totally understand that you have to first go through other procedures through the embassy that might cause some confusion. Good luck.

Dec 17, 2014 12:50

Hello all,

I applied for a cohabitation visa in the Belgian Embassy in the Philippines and I am now currently living in Belgium. I have declared legal cohabitation here in Antwerp with my boyfriend. I currently have my Orange Card and I am waiting for my F card. If you have any questions, I'd be happy to help.
I created a blog to help people figure out the maze that is the cohabitation process in Belgium

Jan 9, 2019 22:11