Conference on Diversity in Higher Education
Join us -- virtually or in person! -- at the 2022 Conference on Diversity in Higher Education on 29 September 2022. The COVID-19 pandemic had a major impact on access to education for students from all backgrounds, bringing challenges to the forefront that never before had been considered. How did the move to online learning impact students from diverse backgrounds? As we move forward into a “new normal,” what can we do to ensure that these students are not left behind and can catch up on lost time? Now more than ever, it is important to consider diversity, equity and inclusion in the policies at all levels in order to help ensure that students of the future continue to get access to quality education no matter their background and can continue on into forming a more diverse and inclusive society after graduation. How can higher education institutions make informed decisions to diversify their student population? What can governments or ministries do to ensure that schools are open and equal for all students, and that those students can get access to the jobs they are qualified for?