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Consumer law in Belgium
I bought a dress from a high end designer on Ave. Louise on Saturday. When I got it home, I decided I wanted it in a different color. I called this morning and asked if they had that color in stock and that I wanted to exchange the dress. (Only worn to try on, still has tags and I have receipt). Was told - rudely, of course - "No exchanges, no returns, no refunds". Needless to say, am waiting for New York corporate office to open so I can call them, but am aghast. I lodged a complaint with the ECC, but just wondered if anyone knew what the deal is, because I could only find articles that applied to ONLINE purchases.
Let me assure you that MON is wrong. Unless a shop specifically advertises that it permits returns for any reason, you would NOT be able to exchange a dress in such circumstances in the UK either, whether within 28 days or not.
Being able to return things because you change your mind is NOT a consumer right - unless, of course, it has been purchased "unseen" online (or, out of a catalogue, by phone).
Before I left the UK for Belgium, I had been an active member of the Consumers' Association for over 30 years, and I am a member of Test Achats here.
> corporate in New York and they were appalled
That's interesting. Do you think we could start a consumer revolution by all putting on a gobby american accent and barging about the place like spoilt brats?
Yep. If that's what it takes to get results.
Alternatively, Belgians could learn a thing or two from Americans about decent customer service and retailing 101.
Oh Pamela, why don't you just go and have another bout of plastic surgery? It will make you feel better about being 50 and will help you to deal with minor irritations such as a shop having the gall to assume that you know which colour dress you want to buy before you actually complete the purchase.
Just a thought - what US "high end designer" sinks to doing prêt-à-porter in scummy Brussels?
"Dress being exchanged via NY store."
Is tax likely to be levied by Belgian customs? I don't know the answer but OP might not know the question.
The gold or the blue...mmm...let me see....the the the gold goes better with my hair.....but the blue goes better with my eyes......oh will I ever resolve this terrible problem
typical, just take the shit that is heaped on ya and like it. Good for R3, I would have done the same. I had a similar situation in Inno and asked to see the Store Manager. He took his sweat time but finally I was asked into his office and was given coffee and cookies and got my problem solved--involved returning an item. If you don't ask, you don't get!
It has nothing to do with 'decent customer service and retailing 101'
It's all to do with 'Economics 101'?
In the US you expect to be able to exchange goods without question. Accordingly US shopkeepers set their prices to reflect this.
In Europe generally you do not have that expectation so there is nothing built into the price to allow for the costs involved in making exchanges - though you can bet that those places which DO offer the service reflect the fact in their pricing policy.
You can shop for 30 years in the US and never take anything back for exchange but you have surely paid a premium to cover those shoppers who do.
Or did you imagine that US shopkeepers offer this service for free?