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Content by tag : Children

UZ Brussels Premature babies

Parents whose babies are born prematurely can keep a constant eye on them via new webcams in the neonatal unit at UZ Brussel.


Greenpeace Belgium has launched a campaign against local entertainment mogul Studio 100’s use of children’s characters to sell unhealthy foods.


Facebook will display missing child alerts in the timelines of Belgium-based users, working alongside Belgian youth protection charity Child Focus.


From Flanders Today: Flemish education minister Hilde Crevits has announced that every pupil in Dutch-speaking schools will be administered a digital ID card by 2019.


Giving birth in a Belgian hospital will cost more at evenings and weekends from this summer.


Child Focus, the Belgian foundation for missing and sexually exploited children, turns 20 this weekend - and has helped tens of thousands of children in need.


From Flanders Today: The federal parliament’s public health commission has proposed two laws to make it easier to stop female genital mutilation (FGM) in Belgium.


From Flanders Today: Every child finds their own neighbourhood beautiful.


Brussels' child benefit system will be overhauled in 2020, after the six parties in the regional government's majority coalition finally reached an agreement.
