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Content by tag : Children


Belgium is the 10th best country in the world to be a mother, according to an annual survey by the NGO Save the Children.


Belgium’s liberal parties Open Vld and MR have submitted a proposal to lower the age at which compulsory education begins to five.


In Belgium, it’s typical for both parents to work full-time, or almost full-time.


One solution for the school holidays and cold spring weather is an underground treasure hunt at Coudenberg Palace from 4 to 19 April.


Parents of some of the children who died in the school bus crash in Switzerland three years ago this month have created a foundation to raise money for further investigations into the accident.


The Belgian government’s budget for child allowance in 2015 will decrease from €6.6 billion to €6.35 billion to reflect the final budget adjustment based on zero inflation, according to based on a


The British School of Brussels (BSB) in Tervuren recently laid down the first symbolic stone for its new sports centre during a festive ceremony (pictured).


Scouting is a popular activity for children in Belgium, as anyone who has been to a Brussels park on a sunny Saturday or Sunday can tell you.


The incidence of cot death, or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), in Belgium is five times less than 20 years ago, according to data on the leading causes of death published by the Agency for Ca
