Content by tag : Children
The UZ Brussel hospital in Jette must pay damages to a Spanish couple for the implantation of an embryo that led to the birth of twins who did not have the correct genetic material to become bone
An interactive exhibition in Brussels allows adults to see the dangers in a household – from the perspective of a two-year-old.
The independent French and English Montgomery International School offers high-quality education for pupils aged five to 18.
Twenty-five years ago, on Sunday 20 October 1996, 300,000 people gathered near Brussels North station for the start of a march that would become a milestone in Belgian history.
The League of Families is advocating for the establishment of paid leave - up to 10 days per year - for employees to care for a sick child.
Fewer babies are being born in Brussels - and this threatens funding and jobs because the number of teachers is proportional to the number of children enrolled, some schools have warned.
Flanders plans to suspend international adoptions for at least two years while it reforms the system, the Flemish minister in charge of family affairs, Wouter Beke, has announced.
An 11-year-old has graduated from the University of Antwerp with a bachelor degree in physics.
Four Belgian MPs are tabling bills in parliament to amend the Civil Code to ban so-called educational corporal punishment such as slapping or spanking.