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Content by tag : climate change


Septembers in Belgium are often warm and sunny - and this coming week is set to prove that, with temperatures forecast to reach 30°C.


The government of the Brussels Capital-Region has earmarked €2.4 million for projects that promote sustainability, climate minister Alain Maron (Ecolo) has announced.


Following three years of record-breaking summer temperatures and an unusually warm and dry spring, Brussels is working on a drought plan for the very first time.


Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg will be back in Brussels on 6 March to take part in a European climate strike.


A storm front will move through Belgium at the weekend, bringing with it winds of up to 100kph.


Do you hate getting rid of your Christmas tree every year? You’re not alone.


Flanders, Wallonia, Brussels and the acting federal government have reached agreement on a national climate plan. The European Commission had set a deadline of 31 December to submit the plan.


The government of Flanders has produced its Climate Plan, setting out measures the region will take to address the climate crisis over the next 10 years.


About 2,400 people formed a human chain through Brussels on Sunday afternoon in a climate protest to coincide with the UN's COP25 climate conference in Madrid.
