Content by tag : Community
Mothers in Belgium could soon pass on their maiden names to their children, reports BBC News
In five years, the number of fraudulent unemployment benefit claimants fell by 17,000 in 2008 to 3,000 last year, De Standaard and Le Soir report today. According to Wouter Lang
Doctors have recently started going to bars and cafes providing saliva tests to detect HIV among people from high-risk groups, De Standaard and Het Nieuwsblad report.
The number of assaults - both physical and verbal - on the Stib network has dropped sharply in the first half of 2013, Brusselnieuws reports.
Police courts in Belgium last year sentenced a record number of people driving without a licence, De Gazet van Antwerpen and Het Belang van Limburg report today.
Stretching out more than 1.1km, Rue Haute is the longest street within Brussels’ inner ring.
The name Rue Malibran might not ring a bell to non-locals, but you’ll definitely know the square it connects to: Place Flagey in Ixelles.