Content by tag : Donations/Charities
The Red Cross today launches a new campaign via social media to help top up the blood bank in Belgium.
All non-profit associations in Belgium will soon be required to disclose their funding sources and amounts, writes De Tijd.
Belgians give more money to charity than ever before, according to the Philanthropy Index published every three years by the King Boudewijn Foundation (KBF) and think tank Itinera.
The University Hospital of Brussels (UZ Brussels) has launched a new campaign in its search for more sperm donors.
When it comes to donating used clothes to countries abroad, Belgians are very generous.
Stand-up comedian Philippe Geubels responded to a challenge during television charity event De Liveshow by breaking the World Record for the most kisses received in 30
The baby that was found by a bus driver last week on the side of a road in Sint-Truiden, in Limburg province, has received a large sum of money from an unknown benefactor, according to TV Li
A 43-member team from B-Fast, Belgium’s rapid reaction first aid and support unit, left Melsbroek military airport yesterday for Nepal, as the death toll from the earthquake there on Saturday exce
There is as yet no convincing evidence that men who have sex with men pose a greater risk of transmitting HIV via blood donations, according to a report issued by Red Cross Flanders yesterday.