Content by tag : environment
Specialists and residents fighting against the invasive Asian hornet species in Brussels have came together to criticise a lack of action by local authorities, saying they should have been better
The Brussels region is developing a plan to tackle large-scale flooding, which is expected to become more frequent as a result of climate change.
A citizens’ petition demanding stricter rules for wood heating in Brussels has collected more than 1,000 signatures.
Gas-fired patio heaters in cafes and restaurants in the Brussels region, used to warm up customers on chilly days from September to May, will be banned from 1 June 2026.
An estimated 25,000 tonnes of organic waste were collected in Brussels last year, not long after mandatory sorting of food waste was implemented in May 2023, new figures reveal.
The Brussels parliament has voted to postpone a ban on cafe patio heaters in the capital, which was originally due to come into force in June, by one year.
Brussels' regional safety department,, has approved a new flooding plan for the Belgian capital that will be implemented when streets flood and sewers can no longer handle the water
In the wake of the recent disastrous and deadly floods in Spain – particularly in the Valencia region where more than 200 people lost their lives - experts in Brussels say the capital’s existing s
Reintroduced secretly into Belgium in the 1990s and expanding rapidly, a beaver has now been spotted in the capital – the first time for some 200 years, regional agency Brussels Environment has an