Content by tag : illness
The amount of antibiotics prescribed in Belgium has risen again over the last decade, despite numerous campaigns highlighting the harmful effects of intensive antibiotic use, according to a study
The number of workers taking long-term sick leave in Belgium is rising at an alarming rate, Securex warns.
The Scientific Institute for Public Health (WIV) has issued a reminder than women need to be vaccinated against whooping cough when they become pregnant even if it is not their first pregnancy.
In the first four months of this year, there were 41,479 flu-related deaths in Belgium, 5,827 more than in the same period in 2014, or an increase of 16%, report various Belgian media based
Experts from the universities of Brussels, Leuven, Ghent and Antwerp have written to the ministers of public health and science and innovation to demand more support for research on chronic fatigu
Nearly 10% of workers in Belgium suffer from genuine burnout, according to a study by HR specialists Securex and published on Tuesday.
What happens to an employee’s entitlement to sick leave when he falls ill while on holiday?
Way too many students are postponing their final exams for one day by acquiring doctor’s certificates, according to professor of fiscal justice Michel Maus of the Free University of Brussels (VUB)