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Content by tag : medical


Belgium's prime minister Charles Michel on Tuesday postponed a parliament meeting in order to seek medical treatment for hearing damage incurred at the start of Sunday's 20km of Bruss


From 1 July, the non-invasive prenatal test (NIPT) for Down syndrome and other chromosomal abnormalities will be fully, or near fully reimbursed for pregnant w


The National Council of the Order of Physicians in Belgium is not happy with the creation of a new site in which patients can rate doctors and share their experiences.


Surgeons from the Hospital Netwerk Antwerpen (ZNA) in March performed a gastrointestinal reduction through the oesophagus for an obese patient, a first in Belg


In the run-up to World Health Day on 7 April, the UK website Clinic Compare presented new research on the best and worst countries for emergency medical services.


In 2015, 10,171 children under nine years of age visited an orthodontist in Belgium to be fitted with braces, an increase of 27% in five years, report the Mediahuis newspapers based o


Patients in Belgian hospitals face increasing out-of-pocket healthcare costs, including fees for the work of physicians or technicians with whom they have little or even no contact, r


The national institute for health and disability insurance (Inami) last year provided a reimbursement for nearly 60,000 plastic surgery procedures in Belgium, accounting for more than


Concerned about the rising number of births by Caesarean section in Belgium, the Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (KCE) yesterday released a report calling for medical professiona
