Content by tag : mental health
Belgian charity campaigners will be setting off before sunrise in a series of 5km dawn walks on 6 May to raise awareness of suicide and mental health.
A patient at a psychiatric clinic in the Brussels neighbourhood of Uccle has died in hospital after being shot by police responding to a disturbance.
The average Belgian is almost as happy as they were before the pandemic, according to the results of the 2023 National Happiness Survey conducted by insurance agency NN and Ghent University.
Bruxelles Propreté, the regional cleanliness agency, has been found responsible by a Brussels court for the suicide of one of its workers.
It’s the most wonderful time of the year, but for many people it can also be the most stressful one. Decorations abound and friends, family and colleagues seem full of holiday cheer.
Belgium’s council of ministers has officially approved a draft royal decree that would substantially limit gambling advertising.
Some Belgian supermarkets are introducing "quiet hours" during which lights are dimmed and music is turned off, hoping to improve the shopping experience for autistic or sensory-sensitivity people
Brussels has launched a six-month pilot programme whereby therapists can prescribe museum visits to patients suffering from depression, anxiety and other mental health issues.
Many insurers compensate less generously for the consequences of mental illness than for physical injury.