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Content by tag : Money


Belgium's federal government has saved €15m on energy after awarding utility company Electrabel a contract last year for a group purchase on behalf of 1,500 public buildings,


The annual bank tax levied on credit institutions in Belgium will yield €16m more in 2013 than initially forecast, writes


Dietician Aukje Dierckx, 24, from Mechelen, talks about what she earns and how she spends it



What do you do for a living?


Belgian finance minister Koen Geens has unveiled details of the country's draft 2014 Budget, designed notably to reduce the cost of labour and to increase spending power, writes


Belgium’s federal government agreed about a minimal stimulus package as part of a 2014 budget deal that relies on an economic recovery to boost tax revenue and meet the deficit goals agreed


The fight against corruption is inadequate in Belgium, according to a report by Transparency International published today in De Standaard .


A total of €6.7m in National Lottery winnings went unclaimed last year, an increase of nearly €1m in the space of two years, the SudPresse newspapers report today.


Finance minister Koen Geens has announced plans to extend by a fortnight the deadline for filing individual income tax declarations via the Finance Ministry's Internet portal Tax-on-Web, wri


Dutch insurer Delta Lloyd has announced it will sell its Belgian banking operations, which analysts estimate to be worth about €300m, in order to build up its Belgian life insurance and pens
