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Content by tag : police


Police in Brussels have carried out spot checks on 95,000 homes in the past year to see who is living there - and have removed 8,000 people from the population register.


Belgium is lacking 3,700 police officers, with big cities the worst affected by police under-staffing, the interior ministry has revealed in response to a parliamentary question.


A shooting in Liège on 29 May in which three people were killed - two of whom were police officers - has been officially recognised as an act of terrorism.

Trump protest

Belgian police are braced for an exceptionally busy few days - with the arrival of world leaders for a Nato summit in Brussels coinciding with Belgium's World Cup semi-final against France.


Brussels police arrested a couple at the weekend who were planning a bomb attack in France. Special forces were on the scene, apparently based on intelligence.


The Brussels-City/Ixelles police zone have placed an ad to hire 40 more traffic police.


Sex workers in the area around the North train station in Schaerbeek want the police to patrol the neighbourhood around the clock.

Friends mourn victim of Liège shooting

Islamic State’s propaganda agency has stated that the man responsible for killing three people, Benjamin Herman, was “a soldier of the caliphate”.


Police are investigating a possible gay bashing in Schaerbeek that involves a couple and the family living in the apartment below them.
