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Content by tag : police


A recently passed law in Belgium gives the police access to the images of private cameras in public spaces with an aim to combat crime and terrorism.


In the first half of 2015, unknown thieves stole a total of 80 police and military uniforms, according to VTM Nieuws. Four years ago, by comparison, 284 uniforms disappeared.


Since the deadly terror attacks of 22 March, there have been at least 30 bomb threats reported each month in the Brussels-Capital Region, an average of one per day, writes Bruzz.


Belgium's police unions are reassured after a meeting with interior minister Jan Jambon, CrisisCenter Belgium and threat analysis unit OCAM/OCAD.


Islamic State yesterday reiterated that it was behind Saturday's machete attack in Charleroi, in which case the terrorist group is responsible for seriously injuring a Muslim woman, according to


Two police officers were injured on Saturday in a machete attack at a police station in central Charleroi. The attacker shouted, “Allahu Akbar,” according to local police.


In the Brussels commune of Molenbeek on Friday, an unknown number of youth lit a police car on fire.


Belgium's federal police has closed 241 Twitter and Facebook accounts since the establishment of its new Internet Referral Unit (IRU) less than a year ago, says interior minister Jan Jambon in


In early December, 2015, the Brussels Airport police requested additional resources to amp up security measures in the departure hall.
